Quasar - Scoring and Ranking of Sequence-Structure Alignments
With the growing gap between the number of known protein sequences in databases like SwissProt/TrEMBL and the number of experimentally determined protein structures in the PDB, automated structure prediction methods like homology modeling and fold recognition have become valuable tools for assigning potential folds to new protein sequences. A wide range of structure prediction servers is available on the web that offer a variety of possibilities for generating structural alignments of a query protein to a template protein with known 3D structure. Nevertheless, identifying the "best" structural alignment in a set of sequence-structure alignments (possibly coming from different sources) remains a difficult task.
Research team
The Quasar Approach
Quasar is a platform-independent and easily extendable software package for scoring and ranking sequence-structure alignments. It also aids the process of developing and benchmarking new alignment scores. Besides using standard scoring functions, a user can easily add new alignment scores (so-called scoring schemes) and combine several scoring schemes in a scoring function by using a so-called score conductor. Such user-defined scoring functions may be used to rank a given set of sequence-structure alignments and benchmark the resulting ranking against a standard-of-truth ranking generated on the basis of one or more structure-based benchmark scores. Quasar also offers algorithms for optimizing combinations of scoring schemes with respect to the correlation with the benchmark score.
To allow users to take full advantage of the manifold possibilities that are offered by Quasar you can find a detailed tutorial on Quasar here . The tutorial is also available from the Quasar graphical user interface under the menu item "Help" and as a set of pdf-files for printing.
The Java Documentation which might be useful for developers can be found here
QUASAR - Java Web Start version
Users new to QUASAR that have Java web start installed on their system, can start the graphical user interface of QUASAR via this link . Please notice that you have to give the application the permission to write on your filesystem.
If you have any problems with running the Web-Start version of QUASAR (in the Run, Benchmark or Optimization panels) please make sure that QUASAR may write temporary files to your directory system. You can select a directory where QUASAR may write files to in the menu bar under Properties -> Set Temporary Directory . If QUASAR is still not working properly feel free to contact us .
Please notice that you can not change the virtual machine memory available for Quasar in the web start version. If you observe a java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space exception while running Quasar please download the standalone version of the software and extend the memory available to the virtual machine (see tutorial for details).
Java Web start is included in the J2SE 5.0 distribution and can be downloaded from
here .
Even though the Web-Start version has the full functionallity of the Quasar graphical user interface, we recommend downloading the
standalone distribution of the software .
Quasar v1.2 : You can download the current version (1.2) of QUASAR here . Since the method is still being under development, please check back from time to time to see if any updates are available. The file contains the software, matrices, examples and the full documentation (Java Documentation and tutorial).
Matrix files : All matrix files available so far can be downloaded here .
Tutorial : *.pdf files of the tutorial pages are available here
Exemplary QUASAR configuration file containing a weighted sum score
The PAM250 matrix in a format similar to the format used by the AAIndex database.
Exemplary benchmark configuration file containing a formula tree score
Exemplary collection of alignments between globins. The format
is as follows:
Alignments start with a header: "> " + templatename + " " + targetname
+ " | " + user-defined benchmark score. Then four lines follow:
QA is followed by the query amino acid sequence, TA by the template amino
acid sequence, QS by the query secondary structure sequence (three-state)
and TS by the template secondary structure sequence. After each alignment
there is a blank line.
Exemplary ranking output for a combination of the PAM250 and
the Q3 score. The template structure files are shown
together with the results of the different scoring schemes and
benchmark scores.
For a description of these files, please have a look at the
tutorial .
If you used QUASAR for your own research, please cite: